Friday, April 1, 2011

Format changes coming soon

Dear Material Scripture readers -

I imagine you've noticed that I have not been updating much these past few months. It's not because there's not items to write about. Instead, I've increasingly found the format of this site constraining. Blogger has been very, very good to us these past four years, and I appreciate it. However, the time has come for some changes, so that the site can continue to be a resource for folks interested in these materialist approaches to the Bible.

So in the coming few days, this blog will be shifting to a new site - There's not much there at the moment, so for the time being continue to check in here. I'll post when the new site is up and functional (probably mid-week the first week of April, 2011). At that time, this site will become dormant.

All the archives will move over to the new site, and there will be plenty of new features. We'll have some static pages that will help explain to new readers what Material Scripture is and how it works, as well as the chance to introduce some new media formats - like video podcasts, which is something I've been wanting to try for a while.

So thanks for reading and staying interested, and look for the announcement about the switchover in the next few days.

Best regards,

David Dault
proprietor, Material Scripture blog

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